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Miele Italiano "Millefiori" di Montagna - Manfredini

Italian Mountain Honey "Millefiori"



  • History:

    In our selection of products of excellence from Emilia Romagna, a collection of quality honey could not be missing; as a producer we have chosen Apicoltura Manfredini, located in Pavullo nel Frignano on the Modenese Apennines, to ensure a fresh food, cared for and cultivated away from pollution or very busy roads: the healthiness, genuineness and goodness of this food, in fact, depends a lot by the climatic, environmental and social characteristics that surround it. Apicoltura Manfredini was born in 1922 thanks to Pio Manfredini, a true pioneer in terms of innovative production techniques and choices; from generation to generation, the secrets and passion for beekeeping are handed down in the Manfredini family, improving more and more in terms of technologies and field choices, but preserving the craftsmanship that distinguishes them. Precisely this family management of the company ensures that the entire production process is extremely accurate and traditional: a real gem, inevitable in our project!

  • Product description:

    The wildflower honey that we offer is produced in the mountain area of Modena, far from smog and pollution: a fundamental value for obtaining a healthy and high quality product! The production refers to the foraging of bees in the period from June to August and is distinguished from the Millefiori of the plains also for the presence of the Chestnut Flower. The wildflower has always been the most chosen type of honey for its characteristics, much loved and natural; comes from multiple plants, in which the nectar is present in variable quantities from year to year, ensuring tones and organoleptic properties with always different nuances. Its color, its scent and its flavor depend on the quantity of nectar, the type of flowers chosen and the season: in principle, it offers a medium-dark amber color (markedly more intense than the wildflower honey of the plain, thanks in the presence of Chestnut Flowers), an intoxicating, complex and persistent aroma and a full, sweet and sugary flavor.
    It has remarkable energetic, digestive, sweetening and sedative abilities: seeing is believing!

  • Tips & Pairings:

    The wildflower honey that we offer is perfect as a sweetener for herbal teas, infusions or hot milk and ideal if spread over a slice of bread and butter for energetic and genuine snacks; it is very often chosen to pair with fresh and medium-aged cheese platters or to make it stand out in rich, creative and imaginative recipes.
    Its energetic properties and its lightness make it excellent for both sportsmen and children or the elderly.

  • Etichetta:

    Valori Nutrizionali per 100 gr di prodotto:

    Energia 324 Kcal
    Grassi 0 g
    di cui saturi 0 g
    Carboidrati  80,3 g
    di cui zuccheri 80,3 g
    Proteine 0,6 g
    Sale 0,03 g


    Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto, al riparo dalla luce.

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