We have selected all the Pdo and Pgi
of Emilia Romagna!
A choice dictated by the desire to present genuine and guaranteed foods, of maximum safety and from producers
known personally.
Mong all European regions Emilia Romagna offers today, with 44 products, the DOP certification records and IGP food.
Precisely this close link between the strong passion for work and the great love for the territory in which they live, means that every day these artists can create foods that the whole world recognizes, appreciates and envies us (they are the most imitated products in the world !).
The acronym PDO, Protected Designation of Origin, consists of a name that identifies a product originating in a specific place, region or country, whose qualities or characteristics are essentially or exclusively due to a particular geographical environment and its intrinsic natural and human factors ;
all stages of production take place in the defined geographical area.
The acronym PGI, Protected Geographical Identification, identifies a product originating in a specific place, region or country, whose geographical origin is attributable to a certain quality, reputation or other characteristics;
at least one of all stages of production takes place in the defined geographical area.
Why choose PDO and PGI?
To eat better
Dop and Igp products represent the excellence of European agri-food production and are the result of a unique combination of human and environmental factors specific to a given territory.
We can certainly say that the DOP and IGP products have a superior quality, guaranteed by traditional and expert processes, handed down over time, which ensure perfection in every detail of the product.
In Italy there are many quality products, but if we are looking for something that goes beyond, which is truly excellence, then we must look for DOP and IGP products, certifications that make them unique.
PDO and IGP are real distinctive signs of some of our towns and cities such as the green Asparagus of Altedo IGP or the Borgotaro Mushroom IGP .
2. To support controlled and guaranteed foods and producers made in Italy
What does it mean? As we all know by now, the counterfeiting of Italian products is widespread in the world, as well as the importation of food produced abroad, labeled in Italy and finally sold as Made in Italy.
For DOP and IGP this is not possible; each product that boasts one of these two certifications has obtained recognition from the European Union after a very long and strict process, and its origin and processing is controlled by an organization authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Therefore, you do not "run away", and you face very heavy penal sanctions in cases of falsification or fraud of DOP and IGP.
3. To keep us healthy
It's no secret: eating quality Italian foods, genuine and of guaranteed origin does not make immortal of course, but it certainly helps us to keep our body in good health ........ and our spirit !!
Why is it important to choose the right manufacturer?
As in every football team there is the most gifted and talented player, even among the producers of these certified foods we find the one who, in addition to the choice of excellent raw materials, adopts simple and traditional processes but above all amalgamates all these peculiar characteristics with an extraordinary passion , competence and ability to create these real gastronomic masterpieces.
Unfortunately, many of these "food artists" do not have time to market and directly promote their products and consequently are not known.
We at Traditioni e Qualità are committed to personally getting to know these small realities, we have tasted and selected the foods they make, thinking of giving you the maximum guarantee of quality, healthiness and food safety!
The injury of the price too high!
"Yes, you have explained many beautiful and true things, but these products cost too much!"
It is certainly a recurring prejudice when one approaches these products.
Believe us: before undertaking this activity of knowledge, promotion and sale of PDO and PGI and other quality products, we were hesitant and critical of the goodness of the project, precisely in relation to the fact of offering high-end food items in a historical period characterized by economic crisis, fast food and discount ...
Day after day, knowing more and more in depth the quality, tradition and love for the land behind the origin of these products, we realized how much this added value is only partially recognized by the slight price difference that it is attributed to them.
For example, if we considered the time and patient work it takes to transform a quintal of good grapes into real Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PDO or if we thought of the quantity of excellent milk needed to become a form of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO , we would immediately realize that the price paid to buy these unique foods is not that high compared to what we spend when we go shopping every day;
with one notable difference:
authenticity, guarantees on quality and origin and all that follows.
Every time we approach a food, let's remember to consider and know the raw materials of that product, the origin of those raw materials and above all we always relate its price with the quality:
how can it be that 1 liter of olive oil can cost as much as a bottle of cola?
Probably he has very little olive oil ...
Or that a bottle of wine can be found in all supermarkets for almost the price of a bottle of mineral water;
There is probably a very low quantity of grapes ...
When we have to make a purchase, we always think with our heads and not just with the wallet!
You can know and buy all our products on the shop page
and stay up to date by following our Tradizioniqualita Facebook page .
Luca and Umberto