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Scalogno di Romagna Igp

Romagna shallot I.G.P.


Pack of 100 gr

Out of Stock
  • History:

    The production area of the Scalogno di Romagna Igp includes some municipalities in the province of Bologna, Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena; this liliacea has a thousand-year history, just think that it was already widely used in Roman times and even the poet Ovid frequently mentioned it in his writings, describing it as an aphrodisiac product. Over the centuries, the use of Shallot spreads more and more, it becomes a very popular product on aristocratic but also popular tables and becomes part of the Italian gastronomic culture, specifically Romagna. In 1997 the European Igp certification was recognized, thanks to the link between the territory, the product and the producers themselves; about 20 years later the relative Consortium was born, with the aim of supervising production and promoting this excellence more and more.

  • Product description:

    The shallot of Romagna Igp belongs to the lily family and its production presents a significant problem: since it does not bloom, it does not provide seeds and for this reason it is necessary to select the smallest bulbs collected previously and use them for reproduction; for this reason, the large-scale production of Shallot Igp is not easy.

    This special and unique Shallot has a purple color with bright white shades, wrapped in a purple-red film and differs from other varieties for its aromatic and intense but never unpleasant aroma and for its strong flavor, stronger than onion but more delicate and refined than Garlic.

    It will be delivered in nets with label and IGP sticker.

  • Tips & Pairings:

    Very used in the kitchen, thanks to its strong but fine and gentle flavor, it is often chosen as an ingredient for Bolognese sauce, sautéed, seasoning of boiled, braised or roasted meats; it is frequently preserved and served in oil, in vinegar or sweet and sour, for aperitifs, appetizers and high quality side dishes.

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