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Salama da Sugo Igp Cruda

Salama da Sugo I.G.P. Raw



minimum 180 days


1 Kg


17 € / Kg




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  • History:

    Salama da sugo is a truly unique cured meat, a specialty of Ferrara and the surrounding area; the area of processing, maturing and packaging of this excellence encloses the territory in the province of Ferrara with the exclusion of some municipalities such as Goro, Codigoro, Lagosanto and Comacchio. The origins of Salama da sugo are very ancient: the first written documents found, attest that it was in great demand and loved at the court of the Dukes of Este from the sixteenth century, then acquiring more and more fame and prestige, until it became the most consumed product on holidays by the Ferraresi.

    For its quality and its link with the territory, it is cited by many intellectuals of the time: from Ungaretti to D'annunzio, up to Mario Soldati. In 2014 Salama da Sugo achieved the much sought-after European Igp certification.

  • Product description:

    Salama da sugo Igp is a cured meat consisting of flavored and stuffed pork meats; after being dried and cured, it is sold raw or pre-cooked.

    It has the classic sphere shape, with division into 6-8 uniform segments; externally, there are spots of mold naturally produced during aging, and it has a strong and intense aroma. The flavor of Salama da Sugo Igp is very particular, it is one of those classic tastes that you "love or hate": very spicy and flavored, it almost reminds of an oriental dish, thanks to its being fatty and at the same time savory and acidulous.

    In the "Cruda" type it will be delivered vacuum-packed to be cooked.

  • Tips & Pairings

    Raw Salama requires a long cooking in a bain-marie: here are some tips to do it better:

    1) Soak the Salama in cold water for a whole night, then dry it and clean the surface gently.

    2) Once cleaned, place it in a bag suitable for cooking, keeping the string with which it is tied outside, remove all the air and close the bag.

    3) Immerse the bag with the Salama in a pot full of cold water and tie the string left outside the bag to a wooden spoon longer than the diameter of the pot that houses the Salama: in this way, the product does not touch the bottom but it remains "suspended" in the water.

    4) Boil the water and cook it for 5-7 hours depending on the seasoning of the Salama.

    5) Remove the Salama from the bag and place it in a plate or bowl together with the sauce created inside the wrapper.

    The typical accompaniment for Salama da Sugo Igp is a delicate mashed potatoes, excellent for dampening the intense tones of the meat.

    Another classic combination is that with a pumpkin cream or a rich risotto, prepared with the classic ingredients of the basic recipe, to which the minced meat and a touch of Parmigiano Reggiano DOP will be added.

    As for the wine, Salama da Sugo Igp goes perfectly with full-bodied and persistent wines from Romagna.

    We recommend choosing between an intense Sangiovese di Romagna DOC and a Lambrusco;

    the important thing is that they are red wines, powerful and full-bodied, able to contrast the strong flavor of Salama da Sugo Igp.

  • Etichetta:

    Ingredienti & Allergeni:

    Carne di suino, vino, grasso di suino, lingua di suino, fegato di suino, sale, destrosio, spezie, antiossidante (E301), conservante (E250).


    Conservare a temperatura compresa tra 0°C a 4°C.

    Valori Nutrizionali per 100 g: 


    Valore energetico 541 Kcal
    Carboidrati 0 g
    di cui zuccheri 0 g
    Grassi 51,5 g
    di cui saturi 19,7 g
    Proteine 19,38 g
    Sale 3,67 g

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