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Cappellacci di Zucca Ferraresi Igp

Pumpkin Cappellacci Ferraresi I.G.P


Price per Kg

  • History:

    The production area of the renowned Cappellacci di Zucca Ferraresi Igp encompasses all the municipalities in the province of Ferrara; in this area, in fact, the cultivation of pumpkin has been a well-established tradition since the mid-16th century, as well as the art of creating fresh handmade egg pasta of extreme quality. As evidence of these superior qualities, the Cappellacci di Zucca (in local dialect "Caplaz") were present on the tables of rich families or in the case of prestigious ceremonies.

    The IGP recognition arrives in 2016, it is one of the most recent certifications of the Emilia Romagna region.

  • Product description:

    It is undoubtedly one of the most typical and renowned dishes of Ferrara cuisine and is produced using the Violin pumpkin, chosen for its sweetness, which combined with the flavor of fresh pasta, the aroma of nutmeg and the salty of cheese gives life to this excellent dish.

    Externally it has a round and folded shape, almost as if to recall the straw hat used by the Ferrarese peasants, bright yellow in color and with a dark yellow filling, typical of ripe pumpkin.

  • Tips & Pairing:

    As tradition teaches us they should be served with a good ragù or with tomato sauce; ideal even if served "pure", with a good mountain butter, sage and grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

    the ideal combination of Cappellacci di Zucca Ferraresi Igp is with a lively Lambrusco, in particular Lambrusco di Sorbara is particularly recommended, able to cope with the sweetness of the pumpkin, or with an intense white with a savory taste, like a Romagna Albana Secco .

  • Etichetta:

    Ingredienti & Allergeni:

    Farina di grano tenero, grano duro, uova fresche e un ripieno tipico di zucca violina cotta al forno, formaggio grattugiato, noce moscata e un pizzico di pangrattato.

    Da consumarsi previa cottura.


    Conservare in luogo freso ed asciutto e consumare entro la data riportata sull'etichetta.

    Valori Nutrizionali per 100 g: 


    Valore energetico 258,8 Kcal
    Carboidrati 39,2  g
    di cui zuccheri 0 g
    Grassi 4,5 g
    di cui saturi 0 g
    Proteine 6,9 g
    Sale 0,1  g